Even though that Shitty thing happened, I still Love and Accept Myself

Stop everything. Say this to yourself, “Even though I had that really shitty, terrible thing happen, I still love and accept myself.” That’s what it comes down to, self-acceptance.

These are the words that bring your dark self-talk to light. This is moving on. This is moving forward. This is letting go.

You do a lot of work to get to the bottom of the story and ask yourself, “What is this pain and frustration ?” and “Where did it come from?” But even after all your digging and digging and trying to fix it all, which doesn’t fully resolve by the way, what REALLY matters is self-forgiveness. You need to Self-accept what you can’t change and what you can. Let the rest go.

Even though this really crappy past situation traumatized you somewhere on the scale from tiny “t” all the way to major pain in the ass painfully massive “T” trauma, and you may have even caused much of that trauma…say to yourself, “ I still love and accept myself. “

You are already pre-approved. There is no need to go deeper into shame or mentally rehearse the past. It's all over. That's right the past is the past. I’m sure you’ve heard that said before. And even though that terrible thing happened in your past, you still can love and accept yourself. Find the nerve. Get there. Know that you are ok. Say to yourself, “I’m ok.” Be willing to see that you have grown.

You have moved past that. Now, what do you want your future to be? Where do you want to go from here?

Once you begin to love and accept yourself, whatever you've done or whatever has been done to you becomes wisdom and not self - disintegration anymore. Drop the self-punishing cycle. Stop the resentment towards someone else cycle. Love and accept yourself enough to see that YOU have the strength to move on and love yourself enough to maybe, just maybe, be able to love someone else again.

We tell that love-trauma story to ourselves sometimes, sometimes we say it to ourselves A LOT. We need to get over it, not in forced, ignorant way. We need to overcome it in a step by step, one kind, loving, step at a time. Drop the judgement and the self-talk that is connected to all of the reactions and damaging hurt. You can start to see why hurt people hurt others. We all do ignorant behaviors. We were born ignorant. That’s ok. Once you begin to see that YOU are loved, and that YOU can forgive yourself enough. That’s when the true love magic begins.


How to Effectively Change Your Self-Talk


How to Practice Daily Empowering Self-Talk