STOP Judging Yourself So Hard

Drop your judgements about yourself. They aren’t getting you any further in your life. Your judgements are just holding you back from experiencing the kind of love you want.

Let go of your judgements. Stop taking yourself personally. This is the first step, and actually the biggest step, in getting out of the self-punishing cycle.

When you judge yourself, you continue to recreate the same experiences. You become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The truth is, who cares? Well YOU DO. more than anyone else. You care about the judgments you hold against yourself more than anyone else. And when you hear other people judging you, it just reinforces your judgements about yourself. The judgements that you hold on to and wake up punishing yourself for every day. So STOP.

Let it go. Be kind to yourself. And watch as your personal world starts to bend, flex and shift based on simply forgiving yourself.


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