Being Honest about Your Body Awareness with Melanie Joye

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In this episode Aaron talks with friend and body work expert Melanie Joye on how we store memories in the body and how the intelligence of the body doesn’t lie.

Show Notes

:29 sec

Aaron Talks

Welcome back, alright so if you’re like me and you’ve gone through some weird relationship patterns and maybe you’ve gone to therapy. However you got there you found yourself asking questions like “what is love anyway?” Or “ Why do i keep repeating these harmful patterns?” 

For me i noticed that perfectionism was this sneaky idea that creeped into my head. it created an allusion or a fantasy that didn’t exist. And when I dogged deeper and deeper into what is love and how have i been my own worst enemy in realtionships, i then started asking questions about how the body mind and emotions work together. And how often my head conversation got in the way. 

IF you’ve ever read “the body keeps the score”, you may understand that our mind is the control center of our behavior. We teach the body how to do things like driving a car for instance, so that we learn it automatically. Well what if instead of learning how to drive, its learning how to love? And learning how to love ourselves? Or learning how to love others? 

I’ve brought my friend Melanie on to talk about how we store memories in the body and how the intelligence of the body doesn’t lie. In fact it has no reason to lie. 

I would say that in relationships denial leads to self sabotage. Denial happens when our mind doesn’t want to deal with a painful truth. But the body still remembers. So how do we ask the body? Well thats what my friend Melanie does professionally. She helps you asks your  body questions. 

I haven’t spoken much yet about the enneagram, but we do talk about it because its apart of Melanie’s story. She is an enneagram 1, which all you need to know for now is that the one is characterized as the “perfectionist” so who better to talk to about the body, the pitfalls of perfectionism, and loving yourself by telling yourself the truth than someone who deeply understands perfectionism. 

Melanie has done body work for 10 years and adopted Emergence work to help people understand the underlying emotions and core limiting beliefs that hold you back from life and love. 

What I had to learn the hard way about perfectionism, is that it doesn’t exist. Nothing is perfect, but you can make it better. and when we get caught up in “what it looks like” we loose the truth about whats good for us. Whats healthy for us. We get distracted by our high expectations and forget to be present moment and enjoy what is and what we do have. 

Even the idea of the enneagram, can be seen through the lens of perfectionism and be the “only way” to do something. But it’s just a tool. Just like body emergence, just like the daily habits you create, they are just tools for better self and love awareness. 

I’ll let Melanie say the rest. 

Major Talking points

0-8 min seeing it as a tool

What is emergence


Being an enneagram 1

8 min

Moving from Enneagram to bodywork and dropping your ego on the floor


Body keeps the score

Trauma can break dna structures 

Emergence helped Melanie with anxiety and depression, so she learned it

14 minutes


Unconscious programming

You can only change what you’re aware of

I’m at peace with in the still small voice

17-20 min

Are attachment to words and underlying emotion

Finding a tool that works for you

21 min 

The body has no reason to lie

Getting out of your head and more to your body

23 min

Start of posturing and responding rather than reacting in relationships. 

I need to be right

Wonder woman pose

25 min

Stored emotional baggage

Sometimes the awareness is enough and can help you feel better

28 min

Thinking your way through shutting down the panic response


Thanks for listening. Was there a big take away you’ve learned from this conversation? I’d love it if you let me know in the comments. 

Often in relationships its about being honest with where you’re at and telling yourself the truth. And if you’re not sure ask the body. 

On part two of my conversation with Melanie we discuss comparison and the limiting belief of inadequacy, how important it is to set and intention for what you do, and listening to your intuition. So stay tuned. 

I’m Aaron

Best of love to You.