Follow Your Energy and Highest Alignment with Jaden Hummel

In this episode …

Aaron talks with Jaden Hummel about how she helps people find whats aligned to them in their life, whether thats relationships, career, or purpose.. and shares about how she came into a golden alignment with her partner, and how to be in good energy and flow.

Production by Aaron Tosti

Theme Music by Steve Wilmot

All other Music by Soundstripe

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Welcome to TKOL Podcast.. I'm Aaron Tosti.

A while back a good friend of mine said I should write a book called "The kind of love I'm getting I don't want, and the kind of love I want I ain't getting." an autobiography of weird love stories... so I made it into a podcast.

Not only to share my stories, but other peoples stories... maybe even yours.

Love gets weird some times right ? ...tell me about it

45 sec

Jenny and Aaron Holliday Workshop


Are you secretly dreading the holidays?


Maybe you’re thinking about that ONE family member that always grates on your last nerve…

Or the friend who inevitably will create a drama triangle RIGHT before a big event


You try to make the best of it but behind the scenes you just want the holidays to be OVER already

Is this you??? 

Jenny & I invite you to join our free annual workshop, "Deck the Halls, Not your family: 3 keys for Stress-Free Holidays"

This entertaining & informative workshop will give you practical tools to not only SURVIVE holiday gatherings, but have a darn good time with them as well


We'll dive deep into three essential keys, specifically designed to help you THRIVE and enjoy your holiday gatherings with family & friends… 

Key 1: Don’t deck! Connect! 

Cultivate safe, enjoyable connection with your family all while staying sane. 

Key 2: Communicate CONFIDENTLY

Experience epic AND authentic communication that bridges conflict, even with the most difficult family members.

Key 3: Master Your Invincible Boundaries

Unleash a set of invincible boundaries and break relationship patterns keeping you stuck in old cycles with family & friends.


If you're ready to have a heap of fun and get hyped for a holiday to remember, grab your garland and tinsel because this workshop is tailor-made for you. 


Register today and share with a friend:

3:10 min

Alignment.. what does this word mean?

I’ve heard this term often in the coaching world, in the spiritual communities.. what does it freaking mean?

I bought good friend Jaden Hummel, to talk about this. She has a coaching program called Exponential Alignment, This is what she does, she helps people find whats aligned to them in their life. Whether thats relationships, career, or purpose.. and even what lights you up !

I find what she does really interesting. So many times in the coaching world they talk about goal setting, but she actually has a slowing down process.

She talks about how she came into a golden alignment with her partner, and how to be in good energy and flow. With out any other further due.. here’s Jaden.

4:25 min

Jaden is Aaron’s hero about the topic of alignment.

Who started talking about alignment? Abraham Hicks?

Jaden says she has been thinking about alignment since she was in the womb.

First time Jaden was not aligned was working at a marketing agency.

Her health and energy levels took a hit.

7:25 min

Aaron quotes Jaden from instagram.

“Alignment isn’t just your career path, it’s how your values align with your decisions.”

Bro marketing is not primal, no one else is alive is calling web funnels are “primal”.

Let’s not forget those little decisions that make you aligned.

You pick your career and do it the best you can.

What actually matters is our relationships, the way we interact with the earth, etc..

You should do aligned work, but let’s not forget what life is… the decisions that make you whole.

10 min

Aaron says that Your purpose chooses you, and your career comes alongside your purpose.

Don’t put so much pressure on a capitalistic career

“When you follow your energy & highest alignment - you’ll always be led to the right people, places, and opportunities.”

“People think it’s a risk to take a chance on their dreams, when the real risk is to live a life that doesn’t align to your soul.”

“The scariest thing you can do is live a life that isn’t aligned to you”

- Jaden Hummel

12 min

Jaden talks with People all of the time about alignment.

The number one regret of the dying, is wishing they were more true to themselves.

We are here for a reason.

No identity crisis, want to head towards who I am.

14 min

When you’re doing things you like, you are in a good mood.

When you’re in a good mood, you smile and talk to people

Being in good energy

Thats when you’re open to synchronicity and the most magnetic.

You’re being in energy of receptivity.

Only way to have opportunities is to be in good energy.

When someone is doing well in their life, you want to be around that.

16:40 min

Aaron ran into a different version of himself at a coffee place. They had studied all of the same things. That guys was living his purpose.

We need the energy of alignment to feel good about the stuff thats tough.

All we want is energy and to feel good.

19 min

Whats not working? You’re not doing something that lights you up!

It’s always as simple as alignment.

All clients are perfect little snowflakes.

Community and conversation around what I want to do and could be working.. it’s not something you figure out in one month… it takes a lifetime sign up.

It takes community and constant reflection.

It’s not about whats missing, it’s about whats getting in the way.

Are you down for the alignment conversation? It’s a slowing down.

Setting goals is good, but alignment comes first.

We don’t just want money… we want to be happy and have energy.

23 min

It’s hard to market.

Aaron says to Jaden, “ You really believe in what you do.”

People don’t want to be sold anything…really.

They want more of what they are attracted to, and less of what they are repelled by.

Making money and exceed goals is good, but not without all of the other things.

Set your business up to function like nature.

Our alignment is our soil, if you have good soil anything is going to grow.

It’s so simple, yet we over complicate things.

25:50 min

Aaron asks Jaden about alignment in relationships…

Relationships also need good foundations, and “soil”

Relationships highlight everything.

Alignment for Jaden is knowing what she values and what matters to you. It would be misaligned otherwise.

Are you willing to stand for what matters to you?

Being able to understand what matters to you, then have the ability to share that. It gets you where you’re going.

28:20 min

What you value and what you care about is in “the soil?”

What you’re growing on is clean like honest communication.

Does this feel good for both parties?

Bring alignment out of your head and into the world.

30 min

All relationship health comes from awareness.

Jaden is constantly speaking, so she’s usually not missing a beat.

31 min

Jaden tells the golden moment about her and her partner meeting.

She had a bad concussion, and she couldn’t snowboard.

Jaden happened to go to Chris’ Art Show. She had just smacked her head.

She had a guided meditation and vision to live in CA.

People claim that it was Chris’ rockstar moment. Starting his career, turning pro, and meeting the love of his life… but the relationship ended moving slow.

They had to communicate a lot. There was a physical move that had to be made.

34:20 min

Jaden met her partners parents at the same time.

Aaron Talks about “If the Buddha dated” and crawling into love. And it’s more about bonding over time.

Slowing down and really enjoying life. Also enjoying each step of the relationship journey.

People need to enjoy the moment, instead of being in a rush.

36 min

When you figure everything out… you’re dead.

Jaden is averse to people being in a rush.

When you try to get past where you’re at, then you’re going to get to the next part and not enjoy that.

It’s the same with relationship

37:40 min

Not so urgent and attached, which brings in the coping mechanisms and stress.

Imagine if you spend the whole time worry about the other person when you’re not together.

Jaden is cautious about wasting the moment away.

40  min

Practice intermittent caring. Care about the thing that’s in front of you. When the mind wants to move away from that, then you’re not really present.

The relationship is solid, so Jaden doesn’t spend her time worrying.

Back to alignment… creating a life that has integrity.

Giving yourself the ability to not have to worry about someone.

Just f*cking communicate, and do what feels good and respect other people.. so we can all enjoy life.

How can this be simple ?

Go to therapy if you can’t figure it out.

41 min

Wrapping up.

If it’s in alignment you can give me a call.

Be a self sustaining being of alignment.

Jaden has a program called Soulship and other called Exponential Alignment.

Jaden’s Podcast is called: Everyday is a Breakthrough

Let us know if you got something from this and you enjoyed this.

If it feels true and good to you. Do it.


44 min Closing

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Thanks again, 

I’m Aaron.

Best of Love to You


— Aaron Tosti, Self Healing Coach