Where you Place your Attention is Where You Place your Energy
What’s the number one thing you always have that will help you love more? Comment the first thing that came to mind when you read this…
You can set down your self-help books for a moment. The ones about the enneagram, about love language, your attachment style, your somatic self-care practices, your favorite love quotes and so on…
While those all can be helpful. I’ve done this a lot where I think something outside of me is going to fix, solve, and can even use it as a distraction to avoid a relationship problem. Does that sound familiar ?
When oftentimes all you really need is to know where to direct your attention. That’s where it starts. Where you place your attention is where you will feed all of your energy. Call me a Yogi, it’s the damn truth.
If you were on a date trying to get to know someone what do you think that would require?
If you were feeling sick and needed to take care of yourself what would that require?
If a baby was crying in the room next to you what would that require?
If you were distraught, brokenhearted, and needed to make a change in your relationship what do you think that would require?
Starting to get the drift? It’s Your Attention.
Often we overlook where we are placing our time, attention, and energy.
When we ignore what needs our attention, things typically get worse.
When we take a quick moment to acknowledge one another, our wants and needs.. things start to change for the better. We can set a better intention. It starts with just noticing what is requiring our attention today.