Making Peace with Reality and Stepping into the Unknown

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Aaron shares a story about his friend Sam who always said, “Make peace with Reality” and how to face the fear of the unknown. 

Show Script

30 sec

Making peace with reality and stepping into the unknown places in life. 

It’s the scariest thing on the planet to be in the unknown.


We Experiencing a lot of different deaths in life. Sometimes that’s a relationship. Sometimes a job. Something has come to an end and it’s time for something else.

Are you in a circumstance right now thats coming to and end and it’s time to step into something new?


I’d like to tell you about my friend Sam.

For most of his adult life Sam brought joy to people. His passion was bring joy to people for a living. 


I met him for the first time at my school and he sang for all of the kids in the junior high.

Sam always had the biggest smile. You could see that there was just something else about him. He was a musician and so was I. Even though he was in his 50, over time Sam and I became friends.

I always looked up to Sam. I was a touring musician and new that that there was different ways to be a musician. 

1:50 min

I knew there was different ways to be a musician. Sam chose to bring joy to people. He went to hospitals and nursing homes, and sang to people.

There was a day I joined him. It was quite the experience to go and see people who had terminal illnesses, and watch him bring joy to people who were in these states.

2:30 min

Sam was like a really solid friend, not just to me, but to everyone. He also mentored me and our conversation.

We talked about life and relationships. We would look at different people’s lives. I would ask him questions.

2:50 min

One of the greatest things he told me about religion and it also applies to relationships... and he would always have quirky analogies.. He said that life for a lot of people and their relationship with God is like owning a toaster. You can buy the nicest toaster there is, shiny with all the settings. You can buy the freshest bread. But if you don’t plug it in, you’re not getting any toast. 

I sat back and laughed. But I think that’s true about not only our spiritual relationship but our relationship with other people. 


We would talk about other people in our life. People that would say they want one thing, but not be able to step into that unknown place. Sam said to me, “you know they just need to make peace with reality.”

I thought that sounded complacent at first. Later I realized was he was really saying. There is this resistance that happens when we don’t get what we want. Or something doesn’t happen the way we want to.  

4:02 min

And it wasn’t til much later when I had the chance to meet with Sam, and he wasn’t as joyful as I once knew him. I had watched him struggle.

He and his wife had gone on vacation to his home town and unfortunately his wife got an infection that spread through her body. In a matter of weeks, she past away. 

The time I saw same was the first was a deep painful cry. 


4:45 min

A lot of times when a death happens and we begin to grieve, other things manifest. Sam had come down with stage 4 cancer. Not only was he morning the loss of his wife, but he was also facing death sooner than he thought.

5 min

We sat for a while and I asked Him, “Sam, how do you want to live?”

Sam responded, “ I want to stick around for my kids. I have a project with my ministry I want to finish up. “ there was a book being written. 

He also said, “ I desperately miss my wife.” It’s so hard loosing someone.  

5:30 min

One other time I got a chance to go see Sam in California. He was on lock down in his house. He had an oxygen tank. He was pretty weak, and could only move around a little bit. We talked for a couple hours. 

It seemed like that smile had come back. Towards the end of the conversation when I was about to leave, I asked him one more time, “ How long do you want to live.” 

Sam looked me straight in the eye and said, “Either way, I’m good. I either get to go be with my wife, or I get to stay here and connect with my kids and continue my ministry. But either way I’m good.”

6:15 min 

And as I drove away I realized, Sam was making peace with his reality. Often we are afraid to step into the unknown. I mean what’s scarier than death when you know it’s around the corner ? 

Sometimes we have to face hardship straight on. And we have to face ourself. 

It takes a lot of confidence to step into the unknown. And that’s about the most confident thing I think anyone could say, before passing away.

6:44 min 

I thought about all deaths in life, not just our physical death,   but the deaths that we experience, the ending and restarting of everything.  

7 min

We’re all just grown up tall children learning how to walk. Then we learn how to walk into our teenage years, learning how socialize and face our insecurities. And then we later have to walk into deeper relationships. We walk into jobs and then walk into careers. There’s an End and a Start and we have to face these unknown moments.

I find that when we have the perspective of always learning how to step into the next unknown... that’s when we begin to grow.

7:35 min

And so like Sam walking into and facing the unknown of death, when we make peace with reality we are able to face our fear. And move on into the next phase of our life. 

7:50 min

When you’re able to tell yourself the truth. When you’re able to see and  accept where your life is, and come to peace with it and what is, that’s the very moment you’ll be able to embrace the unknown. 

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Hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of the kind of love. May you find peace within your reality, so that you can step forward into the unknown.

8:22 min 

This episode is brought to you by me. A personal coach. I like to meet people where they’re at, and support them into the peace and freedom that they are looking for in their life. Often that’s freedom from themselves, freedom from patterns that repeat and resurface. 

Maybe it’s time for you to step into a new place in your life.

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If you’d like to connect with me more you can go to Please subscribe to the podcast and give me a review and let me know if the thoughts and stories are helpful for you. 

Thanks so much for listening to the kind of love podcast. 

I’m your coach Aaron. 

Best of Love to You.