Tell the Truth to Yourself

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In this solo-episode Aaron talks about the underlying message of the movie Hook and pulling out the emotional weeds that hold you back from being your True self.

Show Notes


Listen. What’s up guys. Do you say that often? “Listen ! Listen ! You’re not listening to me!!”

Are you listening to yourself ? That is the question. Are you telling yourself the truth?

Let’s just call this throw back Thursday. I think this is being released on a Thursday. If you’re not listening to this on a Thursday, just imagine that you are. We’re giving a throwback to the movie Hook. There’s an underlying message that I got from that movie. It gives you the permission to love yourself again. And to tell yourself the truth. 

I don’t know if you know that Avett Brothers song. It’s a good song. The lyrics say, “Tell the ruth to yourself, and the rest will fall in place.” Often we’re afraid to rip the disguise band-aide off and say, “Hey, this is me! This is what’s real for me. This is how I feel. This is my truth.”

Then from there, as uncomfortable as that may be, what you want and what you need begin to fallen place. And typically whats in your best interest is also in the best interest of others. Right? Like being honest is always in everybody’s best interest. 

2:10 min

Ok, let’s get back to the movie hook.

Have you seen that movie? I’ve seen that movie. (90s kid here) There is a famous sentimental scene where the lost boy looks at Peter and pulls him down to his knee. It’s grown up Peter. If you remember the story Peter grows up and forgets that he’s the pan. He chases after his kids who are lost. He winds up back in in never never land. Rufio draws the line between the two sides. Everyone but the little boy goes to Rufio’s side. And the little boy takes his hands to peter’s face and moves it around, and then says “There you are Peter!”

Later Peter has to believe in himself. He has to see who he really is… the Pan. 

3:25 min

We see this in a lot of movies, the overcoming of the hero’s story of forgetting who we are and then reminding ourselves. And thats really what our story is everyday. Who do you want to be today ? Who do you believe you are today? How do you come back to being a centered person in who you are feeling confident and free moving forward ? 

3:55 min

What happens is we forget ourselves. We start putting on disguises and we start performing. We grow up but we then start loosing connection with our inner curiosity. We stress out. Every adult stresses out, and that’s what happens on some level. We forget ourselves and go into these survival modes, or a performance mode. We try and MAKE our world seem right for us. We start to experience chaos or confusion. We go into a dissonance where our inner world doesn’t quite match our outer world. There’s incongruence there. 

4:45 min

The question is “Who do you want to be?” And the question that starts that conversation is “Are you telling yourself the truth?” Like Peter in the movie Hook, he’s got all of these grown up “weeds”. He looks like an adult, he’s got kids. He said he would never grow up, but he grew up. He lost sense of who he truly is. 

It’s about pulling out these emotional weeds. These disguises and things we do and say to look a certain way to get what we want. And then we get into relationships and we start telling ourselves a whole different narrative. We tell ourselves that everything we want is out side of us. To get the guy you have to have a certain body figure, or to get the girl you have to use a certain type of  toothpaste. 

What ever it is that you think you’re in lack of, becomes a way for you to perform and put on a disguise.  If you’re feeling lost it’s because you’ve spiraled into who you are NOT, a false identity. 

6:15 min

To start over and connect with you again, you need to tell yourself the truth. Maybe you’ve been in a crappy relationship where you’ve become somebody else to try and keep that relationship going. 

Maybe your stressed out like many people in 2021 looking back at 2020 and confused by the conflicting narratives. Whatever the narrative may be, what is your inner narrative telling you ?

Often we loose track of our intuition and inner dialogue going on. We have to pull out the weeds to understand who we are again.

7:10 min

Are you putting your oxygen mask on first? You’ve probably heard this. It’s cliche cause it’s true. Are you making healthy choices ? Is your immune system healthy? Is what your eating healthy ? Are you taking care of who you are so you can show in the world being your best self around other people. 

What’s your stress level like ? Are you constantly in a stressful head conversation trying to do the next best thing ? Are you angry? Do you realize hat your feelings are valid? Everyone has the right to be angry about 2020. It was the most confusing year ever. All of our nervous systems are all over the place. 

8:00  min

How do we get back to center ? We have to take care of ourselves.We have to love ourselves. Jim Kwik always says, “Self love is not self -ish”. Sometimes we feel like we are doing something wrong by addressing the needs that we have. Sometimes we think that we’re wrong for what desire in our life. Or, we neglect it all together and cope to deal with our stress and highten emotions. 

What’s the truth that you’re holding out on? Are you judging other people. You’ve probably heard the statement when your pointing your finger there’s always three pointing back at you.  What are judgements that you’re holding against yourself that you’re not letting go of ? When you let go of those judgements you start to have compassion for yourself. Then you start to pull out the emotional weeds. 

When you pull out those weeds and those conversations you have going in your head that are conflicting, you start to see your true identity. You have to star with telling yourself the truth. That’s always the first step in the right direction. 

This isn’t a New Years resolution, this is a life resolution. What does it look like to be committed to being honest with yourself everyday. You’re honest with yourself. You’re being who you truly are. You’re creating boundaries for your life. You’re reciprocating love. You’re teaching others how you want to be treated. You’re taking care of your health. 

As a human race, what keeps us alive other than breathing is sharing. We share stories, information, experiences, and we give. Are you giving what you want to receive ? The simple truth of who you are and who you want to be, (easily said challenging to execute ) is all you need. 

10:20 min

Otherwise we get lost in ourselves. If you’re chronically in self doubt, you’re going to spiral out and not know who you are. Your true friends and people around you  that love and support you understand that. And you won’t be giving your power or authority away. 

Lets be honest we all want to be ourselves and be free of judgment. We don’t want to feel out of control. And, if you’re a good person, you don’t want to control anyone else, or manipulate anyone else. You want to live in kindness. The first step to kindness is going to be telling yourself the truth. 

How do we step through our fears? We tell ourselves the truth. We let the past be the past. We get beyond all of that past hurt nonsense. We slow down. We address all of that stuff, unpack it, and get all of those weeds out. Once that happens, we can move forward.  

Try taking 5 minutes each day, and tell yourself the truth. When you wake up in the morning and you look in the mirror, tell the truth about yourself. Remind yourself who you are. 

11:45 min

Thank you for listening to TKOL podcast. Did you have any “ah-ha”, take away, or discovery moments? 

Are you going through a thing right now where you have some emotional blocks, some emotional weeds? Tell me about it. Share in the review section what you discovered by telling yourself the truth. I’d love to hear about it. I’m sure other people would like to hear about it. 

Share this episode with your friend if you would. Take a screen shot of it. Post it on the internet. Text a friend. Lets connect. 

As always you can go to to connect with me. You can send me a direct message to me on instagram. @aarontosti @thekindoflovepodcast

Alright, you’ve been listening to The Kind of Love Podcast. Are you getting the kind of love you’re looking for ? 

I’m Aaron.

Best to everyone in this new year and most of all, Best of love to you!