Progress Over Perfection In Your Relationship
PROGRESS OVER PERFECTION. How many times have you had to remind yourself of this? (I’ve lost count with myself.)
Here are some symptoms that might show up in your relationships and it stems most likely from perfectionism..
✅ Trying to prove your worth, love, or value to someone instead of believing in yourself
✅ Over-explaining yourself to try and get someone to believe and understand your point instead of being grounded, trusting yourself and wanting to connect with them
✅ Constantly feeling the need to “do it right”, “make it right”, “fix it”, “save and rescue”, “be more right”, or saying to yourself “they should do it my way, the right way”
✅ Obsessing over “what the relationship is suppose to look like” instead of addressing whats real, being honest with yourself, and wanting to make yourself better and taking the focus of your partners flaws
✅ Avoiding an opportunity to connect with someone because of what it might look like, so you dont have to take a chance
✅ Obsessively romanticizing your partner, your ex, or a relationship you dont even have with someone
✅ Unsatisfied with a partner when you need to look and address a change within yourself
✅ Feelings of never feeling “good enough”
😬 Have you started to cringe yet? You might struggle with perfection in your relationships.
Its a way to be in your head 🧠 instead of your heart🫀. It’s a way to play it safe rather than taking a risk and creating intimacy and connection.
Here’s how it shows up...
✅ the same way it shows up in your relationships, just look at the above list and compare it within the context of your job/business
How do you step out of perfectionism?
☝🏼one small vulnerable step at a time
☝🏼one small risk at a time
☝🏼one small connection at a time
☝🏼one loving choice at a time
🎉You have to learn to CELEBRATE the small stuff and drop the negative energy around making it right or perfect. Then you create compound love interest.
How are you celebrating your progress today?