Brothers Talk about Love in a Conscious Relationship

Show Script

Hey whats up. Welcome back. I’m Aaron. This season is going to be all about the aftermath of break-up. ITs about healing and loving and accepting yourself.

What are some of the ways and tools we can use to lean into healing out wounds from the past? So we can move forward into the kind of love we want. 

Im excited about this first interview. Its with my brother, Dave ! We’ve known each other for a little while. When we recorded this Dave had just gone through break up with a finance. His willingness and vulnerability to even have this conversation shows a lot about his character. 

I really want to explore these painful stories and wounds from our past that we bring into our relationship. Ultimately we get our emotional buttons pushed a lot in our relationship. 

We don’t just overnight fall out of love, we fall out of love one unloving behavior at a time. Is it possible then that we can restore our relationship one LOVING behavior at a time ? I believe they can restore it one loving behavior at a time. But it always takes two to be in a relationship. 

I talk with Dave in this first part about how to cultivate a conversation in your relationship at the very beginning, to create a foundation around it so you can begin to love and trust each other. 

When our emotional buttons are pushed in a relationship, it’s not really about our partner, its about us. And the hurt, pain, annoyance, or disgust is really about our pain from the past that we need to overcome and heal. Our partners behaviors just reflects back to us that pain and that hurt. 

You’ve probably heard that hurt people, hurt people. And I believe healed people can heal people. 

So how do we cultivate a relationship where we don’t harm each other and where your partner isn’t your problem ? Where you recognize that your wounds are your problem.

I talk with Dave how he set up his relationship with his partner with the intention to not harm one another. We’re imperfect human beings, but its important to create space in the relationship to give ourselves the love and respect that we need to heal. 

What do I mean by space? I mean the ability to have compassion, empathy, trust, and to not react or harm your partner. Its the ability and the emotional intelligence to understand that the pain you hold onto is not about your partner, it’s about you learning to love and accept yourself.   Then, you can grow back your relationship one LOVING behavior at a time. 

When we get committed to truly loving ourselves in the relationship, we’re making a commitment to loving our partner.  When get an understanding of choosing ourself in the relationship, we then grow the capacity to choose our partner as well. 

Dave and I grew up under the same roof. II believe the story that “I’m Bad.” The shame story we bring into our relationship and we  let it reek havoc because we believe we’re bad. And if we believe that we’re bad, it will show up in real life. 

Our brain wants to reinforce that story. But the truth is we’re not bad. We need to look at that shame and shine a light on it so that we don’t keep continuing the harmful cycles and patterns. 

This episode is brought to you by me a personal coach. I work in self-love and self-acceptance. You can go to the and sign up for the newsletter and you’ll get podcast updates and be sent love inspiration. 

Here’s a couple brothers talking about love. 


4:50 min  

We just get the moments we don’t always get to record the moments. Boomerangs thoughts will come back and what was that awkward  funny thing ?

5:50 min

Brother’s banter about the intro. 

6:30 min

Aaron brings back up his awkward not kissing for 3 months. That was a terrible idea if you’re teen and beyond. 

7:40 min

Dave says every moment was awkward with so much sexual tension. Especially who’s being told your bad for thinking sexual in anyway. Dave says its like being constipated

8:30min Aaron and David grew up with the same awkwardness. David points out that all we were told as young teens is “sex is bad”. 

9:50 min 

You’re going trained when your young to deny yourself of sex, and that you can’t have it and that you’re bad for having it. Shame is the worst. 

You just wanted affection. 

Dave says “when you just want to hold hands and then all of a sudden it skips to German dungeon sex. And then you’re told you’ll be in hell.“

12 min

Aaron talks about the fear of “if you even think of a girl in the wrong way you’re going to hell!” 

Dave says, “it’s The root of glitch. “

Dave messes with Aaron and jokes about messing with all of the hosts. 

Dave almost ditches his story almost brings it back. Aaron  makes a hard turn and jokingly asks Dave if he wants to talk about the deep ocean of Melancholy in a relationship that has just sucked the life out of you. 

14:00 min 

Aaron brings up holding space in a relationship.. What does this look like when you are really frustrated with your partner?

Dave talks about setting that up at the beginning. Its common when you’re angry, the other person wants to put a bow on it and solve it and wrap it up. 

It’s an important to acknoledge with the other partner that you need a moment. And then being willing to actually remove yourself. Its easy to get pulled back in. 

Changing your environment and honor each other. It may not about be you it could be about the other person. And you also give space to the other person.   

Dave says, “Ask what is about for me at the core, that is tripping me up?”

17:00 min

When you’re giving yourself space you’re also giving them space as well. Many people want to be in that unhealthy space where you want to force and fix it. The “We want to make this right right now” 

You’re saying, “I’m for you and I believe you’re for me.”

Not live with resentment for many days. Or you may need to acknowledge that and tell your partner.

I get that it’s my problem and I’m working on it. Ego wants to be right. 

When you create space it creates deep roots. To be able to trust one another in the muck, they’ve got to go work on their “stuff”.  And that helps the relationship feel anchored. 

19:30 min 

Aaron talks about starting a firm foundation. Aaron says that in his past relationship if he would have had this practice his past relationships would not have been as messy. And then asks Dave how he established foundation in his last relationship. 

Aaron talks about being open and honest. And understanding at the beginning of a relationship understanding that you have a wounded past. 

21 min

Dave said a lot up front to his ex on the first date even. And they set that foundation right up at the front. 

22:00 Dave talks about setting an intention on the first date. 

Dave says, “Why wouldn’t I be my most authentic self?” You have to be honest about who you are and your intention. 

You have to be sensitive and understand where people are at. 

Dave said at the beginning. “I’m not a game guy.” Just Be pure and true the best you can. Then you don’t bullshit mask each other. We’re only hear for a short time. 

24:14 min

 David committed to never cheating, and said, “if for some reason I’m so attracted to someone else, I’m honest and I will just tell you. Hey I’m really attracted to this person.”

When your in a committed relationship, your intention is to do no harm. You may do some cause you’re human and hopefully not a lot and check in on that. 

The downfall of every relationship is lack of communication and honesty. 

Red flag warning, if you’re dating someone thats not having that conversation with you, or if you don’t feel like you can be honest up front, you should or get out. 

26 min

Get clear about who you want to be in the relationship. Who you want to be also dictates what you want back.

Give what you want to receive. 

Aaron didn’t know these things growing up but doesn’t want to beat himself up either. There was a lot internally going on that held him back from having those conversations. 

27:00 min 

Dave says now I think about how he wants to navigate the conversation with his kids.

We got taught a certain way. And we need to not beat ourselves up about it and re-teach ourselves. 

Aaron says we’re all a bunch of big children walking around. 

Aaron narrates

We all are a bunch of big babies walking about, Like tall children that have grown up. We’re grown up kids. And we’re always learning. We come into this world innocent. We fall down and then we fall down and get back up again. Every person is just learning how to walk. The codependent person wants to get into a relationship and think that they can fix, or solve, or save the other person from their problems. 

The mirror comes back in when we see our partner as ourself, or we see our neighbor as ourself. Then we’re able to look inside ourselves and save ourselves first. Save ourselves from our own pain and sufferingThat begins by telling ourselves the truth. It begins with awareness. 

I love that Dave set up his last relationship to be a safe place and to learn and to grow as partners. Unfortunately the relationship ended, and thats ok.

If we go into relationships trying to understand ourselves better and grow, then we gain the capacity to love each other more and more. 

Part two of this interview with my brother David is about detaching from a partner, learning to heal and become more aware after the break up.

Whats the aftermath look like ?

Often times we get into a relationship we fall in love, and then it seems like out of no where something changes. Maybe we see patterns that loop around and come back. We get exhausted from those patterns that repeat and resurface. It looks different for everybody. 

No matter what side of the break up we’re on we feel like that person changed or we lost ourselves. It’s still confusing and frustrating. The more we come to clarity and truth about ourselves and love and accept ourselves. The more we have capacity to love someone else in a relationship. And then we bring our newer self into the next relationship.

Even though a relationship doesn’t last, we can see our partner as something of a gift to teach us more about ourselves. We can see our judgements about our partner as something they need to work on, OR we can see it as a reflection of something in ourselves to heal. 

In this next part we’re going to talk about holding space for yourself AFTER the break up. There is a grieving process that happens. A lot of times people want that quick fix or that cure to get back to normal and act like everything’s ok. But thats the exact moment that it’s time to become really aware of what actually happened in the relationship. It’s a chance to look inside yourself and see what you created in the relationship that was harmful and change that about yourself.

Thank you so much for listening. This episode and many to come are brought to you by me. I’m a personal coach that deals with love and self acceptance. You can got to and download a pdf on more self awareness, self love and self acceptance. 

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Thanks again for listening. I’m your coach Aaron

Best of love to you!

Aaron Tosti