Feelings are Prophets with my Cousin Tracy-Rose

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In this episode, Aaron talks with his cousin Tracy-Rose, a therapy informed Intuitive & Spiritual Mentor, about how to be more of ourselves and listen to our emotions.

Show Notes

00:25 min

Aaron Narrates

Is this thing on? Here we go.

Hey guys.. and girls, and humans and creatures and friends that I haven’t met yet, We’re going going to talk about feelings. 

We live in a culture where we do things to avoid feelings, or deeply feel them so much that we have lost ourselves. The question is, how long do you want to feel what you’re feeling? 

Most of the time we’re trying to pretend like we’re fine. Hey how are you doing today?  And you say things like, “I’m fine, no seriously I’m fine, stop prodding.” And then we freak out right? 

Maybe you’re deeply sad. Maybe your angry but you’re trying to play it nice. Maybe you’re sad, and you’re just tying to hold it together and show courage so you can show up in your day. But, deep down your survival self just wants to break down in tears. Maybe you’re afraid to have joy, like someones going to hate you, judge you, or start a fight with you because you’re too happy.  

In this culture we think that we have to perform, pretend, or try to get it right. We’re afraid that people won’t love us. Like, if you show up sad, they may not love you. If you show up angry they’re not going to love you. And we don’t accept our own emotions is what that comes down to. Accept that you feel a certain way. How do you deal with your emotions? 

We can even be afraid that emotions are bad. Like, don’t feel or think that because that’ll be of the devil. 

I brought my friend and cousin Tracy-Rose who is an intuitive therapy informed counselor. We’re going to talk about, you guest it… Feelings. 

Often times we feel small or insignificant because we feel something so deeply. Maybe we fight back. Maybe we don’t know how to fight back when we’re angry and we don’t want to harm anyone. Even though anger is a powerful emotions, we just don’t know what to do with it sometimes. 

This episode is about listening to your emotions. If we ignore them or self medicate on them, they come back to haunt us. We do the very thing to stuff them down and not deal with them. Thats the very thing that brings them back up again, sooner or later. 

This is part one of two. In the second episode Tracy share with us her story about her awakening in life, so stick around for that. 

Here we go..

4:15 min

  • Tracy is trauma informed, therapy informed, intuitive counselor

  • The subconscious wants to be heard

  • Facing the wound

6:15 min 

  • mental health war of trauma vs actual psychology

8:30 min

  • With trauma healing sometimes if we’re left we have to go all of the right in protection mode until we’re healed


9:40 min

  • trauma in full protection

  • Somedays survivor mode somedays at peace

10:40 min

  • Aaron talks about himself in survival mode

  • brain and somatic dump

12:00 min

  • Tracy starts coaching Aaron, aaron wanting to talk about tracy, Italians wanting to talk about themselves and

13:40 min

  • Aaron talks about shut down mode

  • 80% is acknowledging yourself and being loved for your truth

16:00 min

  • normalize feeling good and not good, its all necessary

  • Chasing down a solution is masculine, instead be still

  • give yourself a hug, compassion and nurture can be manipulated

  • Feelings are prophets

  • Meditation and breathing can be unsafe

17:20 min

  • Slow down listening to your intuition, whats the need I have right now?

  • Following through, need to be seen, heard, and felt without judgement. Felt by ourselves

  • Anger is powerful and not always destructive

  • End up repressing emotion if we don’t sit with our emotions

  • Emotional debt with interest


21:40 min

  • the micro and the macro

  • how can i get present right now? Right now i’m being taken care

  • Heart Centered, shame attached to survival mode

23:30 min

Aaron Narrates

Thanks for Listening. Can you tell when you go into a survival mode? Can you tell when you’re not in a survival mode? Can you feel the difference ? Maybe you feel a low emotion like sadness, or maybe a high level of emotion like excitement. Maybe you feel anxiety when you’re in a survival state. Maybe you’re afraid of a future outcome. 

You don’t feel like yourself. Maybe you try to cope and ignore your feelings. Maybe you try to fix it with a quick solution. You don’t really feel through the emotion. You don’t listen to what it’s telling you. 

Let me know in the reviews how this episode has helped you. Reviews help us understand more of what you want to hear and helps connect with other people.

If you’d like to connect with Tracy-Rose you can go to @salveofthecircle on Instagram. You can also go to salveofthecircle.com

Tracy does intuitive readings, counseling, spiritual mentorship, and sobriety support. 

In the next episode I talk with Tracy-Rose about her story and awakening from being in the trenches of mind altering substances. She took the step of listening to her survival self and becoming a more healthy person. 

This is TKOL Podcast. 

I’m Aaron. 

Best of love to you.