Are You An Solo-Prenuers Wanting to Alleviate What’s Not Working, and Elevate Your Business?
Are you running a small business but you feel like your head is barely above water? You’re more in a demand season than a plan season. You’d like to get back into working ON your business, rather than constantly working IN your business.
As an Operations and Efficiency Specialist, here’s how I can help Alleviate and Elevate your business with my hands on approach.
You Help Others and Want to Understand How Trauma Is Holding People Back
Are you a Social Worker, Coach, Therapist, Pastor, Have a Ministry, or just have a desire to help others?
I have Trauma-Informed trainings that will help you more effectively help others.
You're Struggling to Stay Together as a Couple
Are you struggling to break up with toxic patterns, and you’re on the verge of breaking up altogether ?
I create a non-judgmental, reflective, safe space using narrative therapy to coach couples through breaking cycles.
You're a Woman Recovering From a Toxic Relationship or an Unfortunate Incident
Are you a Woman Recovering From a Toxic Relationship or an Unfortunate Incident.
Maybe You have a partner that’s resistant to doing the inner work on themselves.
You feel like you’ve lost a part of yourself, and you’re ready to get back to feeling whole again.
You're an Artist or Touring Musician
Are you an Artist or Musician trying to find alignment in your career ?
You want to be heard and seen in front of the high audience, and expand your reach.
You're Creating, Launching, or Growing a Podcast
Are you Creating, Launching, or Growing a Podcast?
You know you have a voice and stories to share, but you need a help getting started.
You're a Coach, Healer, Practitioner, or SoloPrenuer Tired of “Doing It All”
Are you a Coach, Healer, or Solo-Prenuer and you need team support?
You want to make a bigger impact, but getting on social media or building an email campaign feels to daunting on your own.